Food and Nutrition Department:

The Food and department was established in the year 1401-1402 Hijri as one of the Home Economics departments.

The name of the college was changed to the College of Human Sciences and Designs. The department is now developing the plan and includes two tracks, the Nutrition Sciences track and the Food Sciences track.

The department includes a number of expert faculty members specialized in the minor fields of food and nutrition.

These include public and community nutrition, public health, clinical nutrition, nutritional biochemistry, food chemistry and food microbiology.

In addition, the staff of the department includes a number of distinguished lecturers who have scholarships for studying PhD degree in the minor fields of food science and nutrition in the USA and UK. universities. The department has a number of laboratories that enable the students to develop their practical and research skills.

These laboratories include food preparation, biochemistry and food chemistry labs that are equipped with a variety of instruments for estimating food protein, spectrophotometers, and instruments to measure the sensory and chemical characteristics of food, in addition to anthropometric measuring instruments.








Achieving distinguished academic and professional integration in food and nutrition sciences to improve the quality of life.


To empower students with comprehensive knowledge and skills in food and nutrition science through academic program, innovative research, and community engagement to enhance the quality of life


• Providing outstanding educational programs specializing in the discipline of food science and nutrition.

• Equipping and preparing students to secure prosperous career prospects in the job market.

• Strengthening the scientific research and innovation capabilities of students and faculty members.

• Fostering the essential skills necessary for the 21st, ensuring their ability to navigate the multifaceted challenges and opportunities of the modern era.

• Encouraging a sustainable culture of community service and volunteerism through educational programs, fostering a sense of responsibility and engagement towards the community.

• Establishing collaborative agreements and forging partnerships with key stakeholders from government agencies, research institutions, and the private sector.

Graduate attributes for bachelor program:

• Knowledge of the basics in food and nutrition sciences.

• Ability to write, speak and present scientific reports on food and nutrition in English.

• Conducting scientific research in the field of food and nutrition.

• Ability to develop skills in leadership, time management, teamwork, effective communication, and critical thinking.

• Enhancing nutrition assessment skills for individuals and groups using different computer programs.

• Critically analyze the main nutritional problems in society and attempt to solve them.

• Provide nutrition education and develop new food products for the community.

• Plan and implement food and nutrition intervention plans.

Graduate attributes for master program:

• Comprehensive knowledge in the field of food science and nutrition.

• Develop effective communication, teamwork, and leadership skills.

• Obtain innovative skills in problem solving, decision-making and high-level thinking.

• Promote continuous self-learning.

• Develop a great sense of social responsibility (citizenship and community service)

• Develop applied skills in the field of food and nutrition.

• Ability to commit to research and scientific ethics.

• Conduct high standard scientific research in the field of food and nutrition.

• Practice the profession of nutritionists in health sectors.

Requirements for the bachelor’s program admission:

• The cumulative GPA should not be less than (3.80).

• Passing the English language level with a grade of (75)


Food and Nutrition Department Bachelor program

Requirements for the master’s program admission:

• The required cumulative GPA (rank) is very good.

• General abilities score of 65 as a minimum.

• Employer approval is required.

• English language score of TOEFL 500 or its equivalent, not less than 5 in the IELTS test and its equivalent, or 83 in the STEP test.

The comparison is made as follows:

• The cumulative GPA 50%

• Aptitude test for university graduates 40%

• How close the applicant’s specialty is to the program’s specialty: 10%


Last Update
1/24/2024 1:09:24 PM